Chapter highlight: "Humanity Over Dogma"
Updated: May 23
The original working title of this book was Humanity Over Dogma, emphasizing the importance of our species learning to put humanity first—meaning above conflict, prejudice, and any ideology (belief system) that intentionally or unintentionally promotes division among peoples.
As a species, we inflict the greatest harm upon ourselves due to our uncanny ability to war with one another and with our very selves. This is because we believe our dogmatic ideologies are more important than humanity’s, or our planet’s, collective wellbeing. Our dualistic beliefs of “right-wrong” and “good-bad” override any choice of kindness, forgiveness, compassion, or peace we might otherwise make. In many cases, when we insist we’re right—damn the consequences of harm!—W.A.R. (We Are Right!) results.
Many of us humans fight—and project hate upon—ourselves daily. Is it any wonder then that it’s so easy to speak harshly against others, vote in ways that blatantly discriminate against certain groups, justify violence both locally and globally (or turn a blind eye to it), and ultimately perpetuate a society and world that struggles to know peace? In truth, if we had inner peace, the way we treat others would reflect that peace, and our society would naturally change for the better.
This is not a book about politics, however, nor is it a book on dissecting the societal issues humanity faces. This is a book that aims a bit closer to home, one that proposes looking inward and searching out the everyday mental and emotional ways we humans cause ourselves and others to suffer in order to touch the heart of humanity. The goal, therefore, is to not outright change a particular society into a more peaceful one, but rather to touch the hearts of as many people as possible, helping them to know peace. Once the individuals in a society find peace, the society naturally becomes peaceful, as does our world, because each of us now knows peace.
Everyone seems to be fighting for or against something. Heart of Humanity invites us to lay down our weapons and shields and instead adopt a lifestyle that ceases conflict all together. This may sound outlandish at first; however, I am confident that, by the end of this book, you will understand why I believe peace is possible, and why I choose to walk a path of nonviolence—toward myself or anyone else. The energy that once may have been used for fighting is instead directed toward healing the many karmic harms that plague the hearts and minds of humankind.
The result? Peace that is unconditional and free of any divisive ideology or dogma that otherwise would lead me, lead us, to believe that the world and other people must change FIRST before I, we, can have peace and happiness. Because I put humanity first with an open heart and mind, and led with compassion and understanding rather than judgment—I didn’t need to go to war with anyone and no one needed to get hurt in the process. I became a force for healing when I decided to stop fighting myself and others in my mind, with my words, and with my actions. Stopping can be a superpower, and sometimes a moment’s pause is all it takes for the healing work to begin.
This book is my love letter to humanity, so I chose to retitle it Heart of Humanity. The teachings that follow contain a great amount of insight along with practical ways in which to heal the heart, mind, body, and even the spirit of humanity. We humans are the cause of so much suffering, both inward and outward, which is good news because that means we can put a stop to it. We can save ourselves from ourselves. Dunisha is a beautiful path to walk, one that can return us to our humble roots and nurture the seed of peace that has been lying dormant within us. Because we are human, anything is possible.
Before I identify with anything else,
I’m a human being first.
Excerpt from Heart of Humanity, pages 1-3
Heart of Humanity: An Introduction to the Healing Path of Dunisha
Copyright © 2024 by Alaric K. Hutchinson. Earth Spirit Publishing, LLC.