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Chapter highlight: Dunisha, a Path of Peace & Healing

Updated: May 28

Dunisha is the lens through which we see a new way, an approach that allows us to place humanity first, unbound by dogma. The teachings in this book reveal a nondogmatic approach to healing our core-wounds and harmful karmic patterns, allowing us to make peace with ourselves and others.


Dunisha is the word that encapsulates all of the teachings and practices taught herein. Dunisha contains elements of psychology, philosophy, ethics, and spirituality. Thus, it can be used as a philosophy by which to cultivate inner peace; a roadmap of non-dual ethics that cultivates harmony with others; a therapeutic methodology to apply along your healing journey toward mental-emotional wellbeing; or a spiritual path for self-actualization. Ultimately, Dunisha embraces all four.


In the past decade since the emergence of the Dunisha teachings, some people have received the benefit of its collective lessons, while others have enjoyed its individual teachings that meet their preferences and needs at a given time. Please do not feel pressured to claim each and every aspect of this book as something that must be followed. The heart of Dunisha is one of gentleness and peace; there is no expectation, no need to feel pressured, or that you will be judged if you stray from the path as presented. All is well. The adoption and application of what you learn throughout these pages is entirely your choice. Nonetheless, there is a certain power of transformation available to individuals when the teachings are applied and integrated in unison.




People of all faiths (and none), as well as people from all walks of life—any nationality, cultural heritage, and across political lines—can apply what is taught herein. Peace is accessible to all. Dunisha is the common ground upon which to unify diversity, and it is the bridge that connects all peoples. A powerful claim to make! Nonetheless, what you will learn will show you why that is true and how it can be done.


The archetype of the Boddhisatva in Mahayana Buddhism is someone who can enter “heaven” yet instead chooses to return to the cycle of birth and death again and again to help everyone “cross over” together. I have always found this story, this idea, to be incredibly heartwarming. In my eyes, this notion of not crossing over until we all cross over touches the heart of humanity and could be the very wisdom that saves humanity. It is the choice to heal, the choice to embody loving kindness and make peace—not punishment aka W.A.R.—no matter who anyone is or what anyone has done.


We are all human beings and, because of this, we are capable of helping each other “cross over” into an era of peace and harmony on our planet. We begin as individuals by cultivating inner peace, so that it may later ripple out and touch others. A single stone tossed into the water is enough to impact an entire pond.


Therefore, it does not matter who you are, what you’ve done, or where you come from; inner peace is always available to you as a human, and you are capable of learning how to cultivate peace with the guidance this book provides.

Excerpt from Heart of Humanity, pages 10-11


Heart of Humanity: An Introduction to the Healing Path of Dunisha

Copyright © 2024 by Alaric K. Hutchinson. Earth Spirit Publishing, LLC.

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Rev. Alaric Hutchinson is a modern monk who has worked in mental health and interfaith pastoral care since 2010. By merging eastern philosophy with modern psychology, he has developed a unique approach to psychospiritual therapy, introduced in Heart of Humanity.

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